Monday, May 14, 2012

35 Weeks!! Only 5 to go!

This was not the best week of my life. It's been tough, to be honest. And I hate that. I remember the pain of not being able to get pregnant and yearning for this with all of my heart. I wish I could say that all that yearning means pregnancy now contains nothing but glowing joyful moments. Every time I complain, I feel guilty - as if I am somehow saying I'm not grateful. But after the discomforts of this week, I realize that I'm only human. No one can be joyful and grateful at all times when they are dealing with pain. It doesn't mean that I'm not happy and so thankful to have a sweet baby boy coming into our lives in just a few short weeks.

That being said, it was a rough week. I pampered myself by getting my hair done (bangs!) and even though I love how my hair turned out, I came home from the appointment feeling awful. The next day, I had an elevated temperature of 99.8. My whole body was aching and I felt nauseated for a couple of days. Then, just when my temperature went back to normal, my entire body broke out in hives. I'm talking head to toe. And it ITCHED like crazy. Turns out I had some sort of allergic reaction to the shampoo I bought at the salon. I barely slept for three days. Today, I woke up with very much improved on the hives front, but now my hands are super swollen. I can't even close my fists, it hurts so badly. In fact, all of my joints ache. I hope this is just temporary, but all of these things coming back to back has been bringing me down.

So now it's time for an attitude adjustment. I have spent way too much time over the past six or seven days focusing on the aches and pains and discomforts. That's not the way I want to remember the last few precious weeks of my pregnancy. This is possibly the only time I will ever experience this, and I don't want to focus on the negative. I want to focus on all the happy, beautiful things that are happening in our lives. I want to spend my time thinking about the positive things in my life. I mean, how many pregnant women get to set their own schedule and take all the time they need to try and feel better? I'm extremely blessed, and that's what I want to remember.

Now that I've gotten that off my chest, here's my 35 week update (hopefully with a positive spin!):

How Far Along: 35 weeks, 2 Days

My Baby This Week:

Weight Gain: 20 lbs.

Baby Bump: George took this pic on mother's day. A friend of mine saw it and said she thinks it looks like Andrew has dropped! I thought I had noticed that my shape changed a little bit. It's exciting to know he's getting into a good position for birth!

Sleep: It's rough. I can't sleep more than about an hour at a time before I get uncomfortable or have to go to the bathroom. I figure it's just good practice for when Andrew gets here and wakes me up all through the night.

Best Moment of the Week: Hiring painters finally to come paint the interior of the house, including the nursery! It will be so awesome to have that final piece of the home renovations done. It's going to look amazing!

Movement: Andrew moves around so much, and I love it. I am constantly feeling what I am pretty sure is the heel of his tiny little foot jutting out. So cute!

Symptoms: Pretty much everything I listed above. I honestly only thought pregnancy got super uncomfortable in the last two weeks or so, but apparently it can start much earlier, yikes!

Food Cravings: Water. I can't get enough. And sugar of course, but I try to ignore that craving.

What I Miss: Being able to walk without pain.

What I'm Looking Forward To: A positive birthing experience and meeting Andrew for the first time!

Weekly Wisdom: Don't put anything off until the last month of pregnancy. Not shopping or renovations or decorating or anything. I always thought I would get this nesting instinct people talk about and just be full of energy, but the truth is that walking around the mall or even making a thirty minute trip to Target is very uncomfortable at this point. I wish I had finished these things sooner so that I could just rest!

Emotions: All over the place. I've been feeling a bit sorry for myself this past week with all the discomforts, but I'm working every day to pick myself up and stay positive. My focus for the next four or five weeks is going to be on all the blessings in my life.


  1. It's hard to always feel happy when someone's kicking you in your bladder and your liver. Natures way of ensuring the mom-to-be welcomes labor with open arms. Your son knows you love him and very much want him! --Thinking of you. :-)

  2. Woot - 5 weeks to go, which means 6 for me! :D

    I totally get the not wanting to complain as it seems ungrateful after our journeys, but you know pregnancy is tough! As highly loved and wanted as our LO's are, pregnancy is hard on the body! But you are totally right - lets celebrate these last few weeks of awkwardness and waddling, soon enough our wee boys will be here in our arms!!

  3. Five more weeks to go. Sorry about all the pain. Its all worth it and he will be here so soon. I totally get what you're saying though..

  4. You're getting so close! Sorry you are so uncomfortable...that sucks. I had a really hard time the last few weeks of my pregnancy with aches and pains no sleep etc, but that is all fading into the background and what I remember now are the good things like how much I loved feeling the babies move. So excited for you to meet your little guy!

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