Friday, March 9, 2012

Beach Weekend!

Life has been a bit overwhelming lately, to say the least. It's so hard to run your own business and be creative while going through pregnancy. I'm not complaining. Trust me, I'm a very happy Sarra these days. I'm just not getting enough done writing-wise. I need something to help focus my mind on my book, so George and I are heading to Myrtle Beach for the weekend for a little mini-writing retreat. This has worked for me in the past, so I'm praying it works again. I'm setting a huge word count goal of 12,000 words, so wish me luck!

The resort we're going to has an indoor pool, and I'm so excited about it! After some good writing, I can go be weightless in the pool for a little bit. It's going to feel so good! Too bad I can't get in the hot tub, but maybe I can dip a toe in while George enjoys the heat. And let me tell you - shaving my legs for the new maternity bathing suit I just bought was like a freaking Olympic sport this morning, LOL. Oh well, the joys of pregnancy, haha.

We're just about all packed up and ready to head out, so I'll be unplugging for the weekend and enjoying some time away. I've had some queasy stomach issues since being put back on the Metformin, so I'm hoping to avoid too much nausea over the weekend. Meanwhile, happy 26 weeks to baby Andrew! Can't believe I'm so close to the third trimester! It's really starting to sink in that I have a limited time to get some things done before he comes! So here's to a great weekend of getting some writing done so I can be one step closer to finishing my series.