Sunday, December 16, 2012

First Time in a High Chair!

Andrew is such a great eater! We started him on solid foods at 4 months and since then, he has tried butternut squash, sweet potatoes, green beans, avocado, pears, apples, mango, and peaches. He loved everything except the green beans! Oh, he's also had rice cereal and oatmeal with cinnamon. We are feeding him solid foods twice a day, once around 1:00 and again around 7:00.

So far, we've been sitting him in his little green chair. We call it the "babyman chair", but it's really a little Safety First copy of a bumbo. He loves the chair, but for me, it means sitting on the floor every time I go to feed him. It's not the best thing for my back! We decided it was time to graduate our big boy to a real high chair!

Last night, we ran out to Buy Buy Baby since I had a 20% off coupon. We found a really nice Chicco high chair that folds up for storage really nicely. (Space is at a premium in our townhome these days!) The second we sat him in it, you could tell he loved it. He feels like a real big boy!

Our little Andrew is growing up so fast. Six months old already! Oops, I just realized I never did a 6 month post, so that will have to come tomorrow. Poor Andrew had a raised temp last night and wasn't feeling well, but he slept great once he finally went down and seems to be feeling better today. He's napping now, but hopefully when he wakes up, he will be back to his normal happy self!

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Date Night

George and I haven't been out on a date in a very long time! Unfortunately, we don't have family nearby who are willing/capable of watching Andrew, and we haven't found a good baby sitter. We have great friends and neighbors, but it would feel like we were inconveniencing them to ask them to watch him in the evenings. So basically that leaves us without a chance to go out and have a date night.

In the interest of trying to still be somewhat romantic and have a good time together out of the house, we decided to do a fun date night today. In the afternoon, haha. With the baby. It might not be a traditional "date", but it was still fun to get all dressed up and go out together. We went to Olive Garden, which isn't super fancy or anything, but was still amazing food.

Andrew even got dressed up with a tie!

How can you resist this cuteness?

He was a little bit fussy on the car ride over, so I was terrified he was going to be fussy at the restaurant. I hate those restaurant trips where you can't even carry on a conversation or enjoy the meal because you're constantly trying to distract the baby or figure out why he isn't feeling well or whatever. In those instances, I'd just rather be at home where I can soothe him better and he can be more comfortable and we don't have to deal with stares from strangers wondering why you can't make your baby be quiet!

Amazingly, however, the moment we put Andrew in the high chair, he was PERFECT! In the past, he's usually had to stay in his car seat (which he hates), or we have to hold him. He wasn't able to sit up enough or balance himself enough to be in a high chair. Today, though, we gave it a shot. I brought along our new little high chair/shopping cart cover and he LOVED it! I think he felt like a big boy sitting on his own! Plus, the cover has a loop so we could attach toys. We put his turtle on there and he played with it throughout most of the meal.

Our entire dinner took almost 2 hours. We talked, laughed, enjoyed each other's company, and ate some amazing food (4 courses!). We had a table on a corner, so everyone who passed by got a big smile from Andrew. Lots of people stopped by to tell us that he was just the cutest baby they'd ever seen :). I have to agree! He was such a perfect little man, so happy and smiley and content. Then, when we got home, he took a 2 1/2 hour nap!!! It was just about the perfect day.

I love my little family with all of my heart. Today is definitely one of those days where I feel so incredibly blessed to have such an amazing husband and baby boy. My heart is overflowing with joy and thanksgiving.